study - Hints

The outer safe door swings open to reveal a smaller safe inside.  There are four puzzles to solve to open the safe.  You will need to reference the auction catalog. 

I counted the goblets and that number isn’t opening the safe

  • There should be 4 goblets – the first number is 4

I’m saying the title of the bird painting and I don’t hear anything

  • For is a homophone of four - the second number is 4

How do I reflect on what he read?

  • There is a mirror behind the books that reflects the third number you need: 5

I don’t know how to put together the sketches

  • The sketches are a TREE PLUS H – so you put the H in tree to get three. The fourth number is: 3

I’ve solved all the puzzles and I’m still stuck

  • The safe should open with the combo: 4453. The safe locks out with six wrong tries and resets in five minutes. If you are locked out and don’t want to wait, click “Back to the Study” at the top left of your screen and then click “Skipping It” to see what was inside the safe.